Designing the Future of Fitness

Designing the Future of Fitness

              Time could be argued as the most important commodity in modern day. We all want more time for leisure and most of us need more time for work. The majority of recent successful inventions help the user save time. Transportation has gotten faster, meal prep has gotten easier, and electronics / A.I. are doing many tasks for us. So which industry is next to make us more efficient?

                It’s actually going to be a race between two industries: Furniture and Fitness Equipment. We all know we need to move to stay healthy. The average trip to a health club takes an hour and a half with the commute.  Some businesses have fitness centers inside their building. Soon that fitness equipment might actually be a desk and chair or your small filing cabinet might be your plyo box. At home your book shelves could turn into a cable column, doorways into pull-up stations, and recliners into punching bags.

                Which industry, however, is going to conform to the other? Does the couch manufacturer design a couch that doubles as a squat rack? Or, does the fitness equipment manufacturer produce a squat rack that has a hammock/swing attachment and looks good in a living room setting? Both are very easy and I hope to be in the forefront of this transition. Whichever industry moves ahead first has a successful future ahead of them.

*Did I mention that I have an entire Healthy Lifestyle Program to go along with this new line of home/office equipment? Visit the website! 

Sell your $2000 couch and replace it with this $1000 multi functional piece. 

Sell your $2000 couch and replace it with this $1000 multi functional piece. 

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