Small Life Hack for Major Success

Small Life Hack for Major Success


Real Recess Uses Three Assessments to Score Your Health and Track Improvements:

1) How's your balance?

  • Level 1: Can you stand with both feet together for 20 seconds? Time stops when you step or touch any assisting object with another body part. (1 point for attempting, 2 points for accomplishing)

  • Level 2: If yes, can you complete the same assessment while only standing on one leg? Time stops when you step down or touch any assisting object with another body part. (add a point if accomplished)

  • Level 3: If yes, can you complete the same assessment only standing on the other leg? Time stops when you step down or touch any assisting object with another body part. (add a point if accomplished)

  • Level 4: If yes, can you complete the same assessment while only standing on the front half of one foot? Time stops when you step down or touch any assisting object with another body part. (add a point if accomplished)

  • Level 5: If yes, can you complete the same assessment while only standing on the front half of the other foot? Time stops when you step down or touch any assisting object with another body part. (add a point if accomplished)

  • Level 6: If yes, can you complete the same assessment while only standing on the front half of one foot while closing your eyes? Time stops when you step down or touch any assisting object with another body part. (add a point if accomplished)

  • Level 7: If yes, can you complete the same assessment while only standing on the front half of the other foot while closing your eyes? Time stops when you step down or touch any assisting object with another body part. (add a point if accomplished)

  • If yes, your balance is way above the skills needed to be a typical functioning human. There is no need to progress your balance. Simply maintain the exercises your perform.

Record the highest level of assessment that you successfully completed by using a score of 1-8 and put your time for the level you did not complete after the decimal. Example: Completing level 3 and getting 10 seconds on level 4 would be a score of 4.10.

We can improve this score with base of support exercises, center of gravity exercises, proprioception, vision and hearing exercises.

2) Check Strength, Endurance and Coordination all in one using The Burpee.

Practice the various ability levels below and determine which you will use in the 20 second assessment.

  • Level 1: Find a sturdy object between waist and knee height that will not tip over. Place hands on the object and walk your feet back to a push-up position (with shoulders over hands). Keep elbows locked and walk your feet back under the hips and get to a standing position. This is one repetition. Complete as many as you can in 20 seconds.

  • Level 2: Place hands on the floor and walk your feet back to a push-up position (with shoulders over hands). Keep elbows locked and walk your feet back under the hips and get to a standing position. This is one repetition. Complete as many as you can in 20 seconds.

  • Level 3: Place hands on the floor and walk or jump your feet back to a push-up position (with shoulders over hands). Lower your sternum (breast bone) down to touch the floor then get back up to a standing position. This is one repetition. Complete as many as you can in 20 seconds.

Record the ability level you performed with that corresponding number then a decimal point followed by the total number of burpees that you completed in the 20 seconds allotted. Example: Level one with 6 burpees would equal 1.6.

*Be safe making sure you master the prior level before progressing to the next. These aspects of fitness can be improved by breaking down the movement into parts.

3) What's your purpose?

Let's find meaning!

Your reason for existing could be that your job/position is so fulfilling that you totally want to be the best possible in your career. Perhaps your family is so important to you that you simply want to be the best possible parent. Or, maybe you have a skill that you are striving to be best in the world. We are all driven by different things. (Focus on one for now).

Experiment and find that one thing that drives you to be a better person. Now, shoot for the moon and use that purpose for motivation each day.

Record your purpose somewhere you can see it daily. Now, record one small goal pertaining to that purpose that you will accomplish in the next year. Make it specific. If you reach that goal early, reward yourself and create a new goal.

Example 1: Walk around the entire block with my dog in under 7 minutes by June 20 of next year.

Example 2: Stay one step ahead of my boss so she does not need to ask me for a report.

Now that you have some structure to your overall wellness. Revisit these scores monthly to re-test and be sure you are progressing.

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