Recess Staple: Alphabet Joints

Recess Staple: Alphabet Joints

We’ve all had muscular-skeletal pain.

Perhaps from overdoing it with yard work, or maybe from an accidental fall.

Hopefully it only lasted a few weeks!

Overtime, however, many people start to develop arthritis in joints that have not healed properly.

The Recess Staple Exercise described in this post called ‘Alphabet Joints’ will increase circulation in those painful areas.

The goal is to decrease pain and improve movement (function).

And possibly prevent future injuries to those areas.

A few reminders:

A sharp ‘stabbing’ pain means back off and minimize the movement (don’t draw such large letters). A dull ache, on the other hand, is just uncomfortable and is typically okay. If you question it, see you doctor.

You can perform this Recess Break while laying down, seated up, or standing as long as you are in a safe environment. A moving vehicle or in a crowded area are not safe environments.

Perform large, flowing letters unless you feel sharp pains (see above).

Try saying out loud the letters you are drawing to add a little more brain function. Pronunciate your letters or even use a foreign language.

Remember to also use your non-dominant side.

Here is the video explanation:

Recess Staple: Rotating Wave

Recess Staple: Rotating Wave

Recess Staple: Bouncing Numbers

Recess Staple: Bouncing Numbers