What Force Has Acted Upon You?

What Force Has Acted Upon You?

You remember the definition of Inertia. Way back in high school we studied physics and it has truth with your physical body. A body at rest stays at rest and a body in motion stays in motion until acted upon by an outside force.

Well, why aren’t (most of) you as fit as you were in high school? Is it work? Did you start a family? Maybe it was an injury? Whatever the case is for you, this is your outside force getting you moving again. Real Recess was created as a lifestyle. It is nine basic habits that make up a healthy way of living for you, for free.

Here is a sneak peak: Week 1 of learning these habits, all you have to do is drink a glass of water at each meal before drinking any other beverage. That is it! Staying hydrated is super important for many bodily functions. An important function is keeping you satiated (feeling full) so you do not overeat. Sounds easy so far, right?

The point of this article is motivation. I am pushing you in the right direction. It’s for your own good and the future you! Click a link below for the next step…



Could You Live In a Playground?

Could You Live In a Playground?

You Can Start Each of These Right Now to Fight Dementia

You Can Start Each of These Right Now to Fight Dementia