What is Real Recess?
Last week I sat in the emergency room on and off for three days with my wife and her father. The nursing staff had to find him a room but 44 patients were in line before him. The hallways were lined with patients. Beside us was a man being sutured up. He shot off his index finder with a pistol that he was cleaning. He should have been there.
On the other side of us was a woman that just laid in a bed for hours until a nurse came over and said, “Okay, you are being discharged”. We have no idea what could have been going on with her. In the room in front of us was a woman with severe anxiety having a panic attack and yelling.
We saw all sorts of ailments over those three days. My point being is that something needs to be fixed and I know where to start!
General health and wellness concepts are not so widely understood. The facts need to be easily accessible and simple to follow. Enter Real Recess.
All along, my plan for creating Real Recess was to make fitness simple and fun for people to do on their own. It has evolved into short wellness practices for people to do on their own. The difference being physical fitness is only one component of wellness.
Scrolling through my free website teaches visitors the basics about health and wellness. I have created videos for people to follow from the comfort of their own homes. I need to be more vigilant in creating daily content so it shows up in social media when people are not even searching for it.
This is where YOU come in. I need your help to send this website to people you care about who need to be healthier. So many of those patients in the hospital would not have been there if they had a simple wellness plan in place. It is as simple as drinking more water and walking a little more each day. But it can get more involved if desired and ready.
Here is my ask: Email, text, DM or tweet this message to your family and friends that you want to see lead a healthier life…
“Hey, I found this helpful website that takes short wellness concepts and has you try them during what they call Recess Breaks. See what you think https://www.realrecess.com/breaks ”
That is all you have to do. It may save their life. But it may also just create more happiness in the world through decreasing stress. There are so many ways to learn and this is just a start.
As a thank you, every download on the website is free. If they want parts of the website saved to their phone or computer for easy access, it’s all free! But how do I benefit?
My ultimate goal is to redesign our living space. From our homes to our offices. By having you share this website with more people, eventually the right person will find my ideas and start to incorporate them into practice. Something needs to change in our healthcare system and it starts with you sharing this free wellness information. Thank you.