6 Ways to Health Hack Your Current Habits

6 Ways to Health Hack Your Current Habits


Wake Up. Before getting out of bed: say your Life Mantra (your personal motivation and direction for success), take a deeeeep breath in then out 5 times, perform your morning metabolic priming (can use any of the Real Recess Staple Movements or create your own 2 minute circuit).

Bathroom. Each time going to the bathroom (sitting or standing) try these dexterity exercises to maintain coordination and reboot your brain: Finger or toe patterns while reaching across your body’s centerline (one example is simply taping them in a specific order), or there is also Face Movements where your exaggerate different expressions with your face muscles (eyes, mouth and forehead are happy, sad, excited, scared, etc).

Eat and Drink. You are literally what you eat. Seriously. Food breaks down into carbs, fats and proteins and your body rebuilds that energy to make new cells. So, while you are eating or drinking, do some research as to what’s in it, what’s not in it that should be in it and away to make it better for you.

Sitting. Practice Posture. Start with your head by tilting it side to side, twisting it left and right, then nodding up and down, finally chicken heading forward and back. Next try your shoulders by raising them up and down, then pushing them forward and backward and finally reaching one arm at a time overhead. Move on to your hips by rocking side to side as well as thrusting forward and backward. Finally, whether you are sitting or standing, try a full body twist with your arms out and looking at the back hand.

Walking. Observe your environment. Notice new things. Look around and try to find one thing happening from each sense. What new do you see, smell, taste, hear and feel? If this is tough or you run out of items, play new music (not something you listen to all of the time). Try a new genre or new release that will really make you think about the pattern, pitch and or lyrics.

Go to Bed. Write one thing in your journal that you are thankful for today before getting into bed. Once you get into bed, visualize each part of your body relaxing and rocking to sleep. Start with your feet, move up to your knees, then your hips, up to your torso, out to your hands, and finally up to your head. When you are actually concentrating on it, you’ll be amazed the muscles you are squeezing without knowing it.

*All Recess Breaks should be at least 30 seconds.

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