4 Ways to Motivate Yourself Right Now

4 Ways to Motivate Yourself Right Now


Think Big - Like Real Big! 10 years from now, where do your wildest dreams have you living, what are you doing, who are you with? Consider career, relationships, family, education, schedule, everything.

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you will land among the stars.


Zero in on a target. In order to get to that place in 10 years, what do you have to accomplish in this first year? Be specific. Start to imagine yourself as this new person. What does your schedule look like? Begin doing the small things to put your mind in the place that says, “I can do this”.

You are what you repeatedly do.


Always move forward. Progress gets you closer to your goal no matter the size. Not doing anything might be innocent but your momentum dies. Set daily projects to work on, even just a subject where you are going to focus. Keep track of what you have done so you can watch it grow!

Slow progress is better than no progress.


Reward yourself. Make accomplishments feel good so you crave more of them. Maybe it is spending money on yourself, possibly it is visiting a location, or your reward could be taking a break. These rewards need to be predetermined and periodic. Failing is not bad, simply a learning experience.

People work for money but go the extra mile for praise.

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