7 Ways to Slumber Like a Cucumber

7 Ways to Slumber Like a Cucumber

Why would you want that?

Cucumbers are cool right? Like chill. Meaning relaxed.

Here are 7 things to consider when preparing your sleeping quarters:

  1. Stop consuming caffeine 5 hours before bedtime.

  2. Dim the lights (including screens) 1 hour prior to bedtime.

  3. Monitor the bedroom temp between 65-75*F (depending on the season).

  4. Invest in comfortable bedding for you (mattress and sheets)

  5. Prepare a quiet atmosphere with earplugs if needed.

  6. Keep pets and kids in their own separate rooms during sleep.

  7. Set your alarm for 6-8 hours after you intend to fall asleep with a gradually increasing volume.

This will help create quality sleep for you and is directly related to ALL bodily functions.  

Most recently, studies are showing the importance of waste removal from the brain during sleep (something that does not happen when you are awake). 

When the brain waste is not removed, it leaves a plaque like substance on the neural synapses of the brain. This may be related to dementia. 

Imagine your brain after 20 years of sleep deprivation!

Let's agree right know to put a priority on sleep.

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