More Confident in 30 Seconds

More Confident in 30 Seconds

Have you heard the advice, “Be The Best In The World At Something”?

It’s not the title as much as the process of getting there that actually builds your confidence.

If a genie granted your wish of being the strongest person of all time, you would have no concept of how difficult that was to achieve.

On the flip side, say you went through one year of training and only became the 1,000th strongest person of all time. Nobody could dispute your progress.

That is why we need to celebrate our achievements.

Every little accomplishment counts. And it slowly adds up to greatness.

Understand that you improve every time you put in work.

Let’s try something…

Clap your hands together 25 times as fast as you can. GO!

Not only did you just improve muscular speed, but you also improved brain function by performing a skill that you (probably) do not complete on a regular basis.

At this very moment in time, you just improved yourself more than 75% of all other humans did (thats about 6 billion people).


That’s crazy to think about, isn’t it?

How confident does that make you feel?

Real Recess is the process of short breaks that add up to magnificent benefits (including confidence).

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