Who Else Wants a Playground at Work?

Who Else Wants a Playground at Work?

Besides the convenience of having fun activities right beside you, wouldn't an Adult Playground in your office be inspirational? Take a minute to visualize your ideal "fun zone"...

How would you get to your desk from the front door?

Suspension bridge, trapeze, a go-cart, a freakin' paddle boat?

What would you sit on at your desk? (maybe you have multiple desk options)

Exercise ball, Leaning Chair, Swing, Treadmill, a beanbag?

Where is your breakroom located?

Through a tunnel, behind a trapdoor, down a slide, suspended above everything?

Why is it even called a breakroom?

Let's have monkey bars, rings, ropes, balance boards, punching bags!

You might be thinking, "Corporate would never go for this!" It just takes a little planning and scheduling to get everyone on the same page to be productive. Schedule "jam sessions" where you focus and work hard for a set time. Then employees get to take a Recess break if they reached their work output goal. Geez, I'm pumped up just thinking about this atmosphere. If you are too, contact Real Recess to get the ball rolling at your facility. 

Everything starts with baby steps. One Recess at a time grows into magnificant results. 

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