Age Slower and Live Better

Age Slower and Live Better

What does health mean to you?

Perhaps a better question is, What is the goal of being healthy?

As a Certified Health Coach that has worked with thousands of clients, most goals are to live a higher quality of life.

With that goal, everyone’s pathway is going to be different.

And to put it into perspective, I remind my clients that we need to slow the aging process to get there.

What does this Aging Process consist of?

It is sort of a Use it Or Lose it Philosophy.

If you are not stimulating your muscles, they atrophy. If you are not stimulating your heart, it weakens. If you are not stimulating your senses, they diminish. Use them or lose them.

More is not better, we need to use balance in our health journey.

In order to slow our own aging process, we should use our bodies near their ability (not too much over and not too much under). The conversation continues with high level athletes breaking barriers. What are the consequences of taking your body to that limit? It makes for entertainment to others but how many 100 year old former professional athletes can you name? That leads to another conversation (for another time) about quality versus quantity.

Back to our original question, how do we maximize the results of Aging Slower and Living Better?

We align our minds with the intention of knowing the benefits of the process.

For example, each time you consume a meal, understand that you are fueling your body to perform mandatory functions. Those nutrients are turning into the building blocks of your cells. Do you want the cells of our body to be built of fresh vegetables or stale potato chips?

A second example of this visualization is exercise. During a brisk walk, imagine your body functioning optimally. Your heart is a strong motor pumping rich blood through smooth arteries. Our minds are so powerful that some studies have shown physical benefit by just thinking about exercise (not enough to get healthy however it was a significant discovery to show the importance of mental power.)

To tie all of this information together, if you have a mental image of what health looks like, your pathway to getting there will simplify.

Start aging slower today with this one step:

Take a slow and deep breath in, filling every available space in your lungs. Pause and know that oxygen is energizing each cell in your body. As you exhale through tight lips, blow out negative energy that may be stored in your body. This is an example of mental imagery and connecting your mind to your health.

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